Coordinating the UN's work on water and sanitation

World Bank Group

As the world’s largest multilateral source of financing for water in developing countries, the World Bank is committed to achieving the vision of “A Water-Secure World for All”. Under this vision, water is effectively managed as a critical resource for devel¬opment to support agriculture, manufacturing, job creation, house¬holds, and the environment. This work contributes to the World Bank’s twin goals — ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity — by investing in effective and sustainable water solutions that enable universal access to sanitation and water, promote water security, and build resilient societies. Five priority themes have been identified where action is critically needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for water: Sustainability, Inclusion, Institutions, Financing, Resilience.

The World Bank’s water portfolio currently covers 170 projects worth US$26.7 billion in lending and technical expertise.

Estimated annual water and sanitation budget: $100 million + USD
Current work on the Sustainable Development Goals
Examples of activities
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Representative(s) in UN-Water
Joel Kolker
Programme Manager