Coordinating the UN's work on water and sanitation

The role of water in achieving climate neutrality – UN-Water event at COP 24

The UNFCCC 24th Conference of the Parties and 14th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will be held in Katowice, Poland, on 2-14 December.
On 4 December, UN-Water organized an event under the topic “The role of water in achieving climate neutrality“.  The side event presented the fundamental role that water plays in our pathway to climate neutrality.

A multi-stakeholder panel guided the audience in exploring the role of water in climate mitigation, through case studies from different sectors and across the globe.

Topics of discussion:

  • Water for Climate Neutrality: synergies and trade-offs
  • Examples from different regions, sectors, levels of governance
  • Political process and finance to ensure funding

Watch the webcast here. (scroll down in the list to “Tuesday 04 December”and click on ‘webcast’ to join the Skype based webcast)

The programme for “The role of water in achieving climate neutrality“.

Further information can be found on UNFCCC’s website, as well as the Polish COP24 website.

Webcast of the event can be seen here.