Coordinating the UN's work on water and sanitation

International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC)

Since 2014 IGRAC has provided various inputs to the SDGs process, including position papers, articles the contributions to the indicators of the targets 6.3.2 (water quality), 6.4.2 (water stress), 6.5.2 (transboundary waters) and 6.6.1 (ecosystems). In 2018, the WWAP compiled the SDG6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2018 and the Baseline monitoring reports for most of the SDG6 targets were drafted. Since 2014 IGRAC has provided various inputs to the SDGs process, including position papers, articles the contributions to the indicators of the targets 6.3.2 (water quality), 6.4.2 (water stress), 6.5.2 (transboundary waters) and 6.6.1 (ecosystems). In 2018, the WWAP compiled the SDG6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2018 and the Baseline monitoring reports for most of the SDG6 targets were drafted.
IGRAC participated in the technical meeting on indicator 6.5.2, held in Budapest in 2018. Additionally, IGRAC supported the IAH participation at the UN meeting on SDGs, in Vienna. On behalf of the groundwater community the IAH president made an intervention about necessity of introducing a groundwater indicator in the SDG monitoring process. For the training in Thailand, IGRAC prepared a dedicated presentation on Groundwater Governance and SDGs. In December, IGRAC provided an intervention on contribution of groundwater to environmental flow in the SDG6.4.2.

Estimated annual water and sanitation budget: $0-1 million USD
Current work on the Sustainable Development Goals
Examples of activities
Latest news from igrac
Representative(s) in UN-Water
Neno Kukuric
Stefan Siepman