Coordinating the UN's work on water and sanitation

High-level Event on interlinkages between water and climate action

The Permanent Mission of Tajikistan, Japan, Canada, Morocco, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and with the support of UN-Water organized a High-level Event on interlinkages between Water and Climate.

The event took place in the ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New York on 27 March 2019.

As water plays a pivotal role in how the world mitigates and adapts to the effects of climate change, including in the context of disaster risk reduction, this high-level event in the framework of the Water Action Decade, highlight the potential and existing interlinkages between water and climate action while shining a light on sustainable approaches to water resource management for the achievement of climate objectives in the context of sustainable development.

The outcomes of this event will facilitate the implementation of the Water Action Decade raising the momentum produced by the World Water Day, further feeding into the high-level meeting organized by the President of the UN General Assembly on “Climate Protection for All” and looking toward the high-level meetings in 2021 and 2023.


Access the event program and the concept note.

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), summarises the event here.